bYo - the development of a yoga mat - part 2

The first problems that we recognized were already in the material. It was sometimes very difficult to get comprehensible certificates that it was really 100% natural rubber. For example, admixtures may take place, although this is often not recognizable. Other producers then call it natural latex, for example, but it actually only contains around 10-30% natural rubber. So the task here would be to get the material from a certified company. Simply offering another product on the diverse market was out of the question for us.
In addition, natural rubber products often develop a strong rubber smell in the first few weeks. Even if this is not harmful to health, it is very important, especially with a yoga mat, that there are no disruptive factors during training.
Unfortunately, abrasion was also an issue with a mat. For example, we developed a beta version where the surface was cork and the rest of the mat was natural rubber. At higher loads, abrasion occurred. You have to know that not only plastic, but microparticles fundamentally pollute our environment and oceans. Therefore, further development of this version was out of the question for us.
Nevertheless, we consider the problems that we see here to be solvable, precisely because, as mentioned at the beginning, there are also very good positive aspects. The following factors are required for this:
• Production of natural rubber with proof of certificate
• no perceptible odor
• highly resilient without abrasion